On The Farm

Greg and Bonnie started farming at their present location in March 2002. After being employed at a hog barn in the area, Greg's desire was to have his own hogs. So Bonnie purchased 3 little pigs for his birthday in May 2002. The herd grew from there and by the end of the summer Greg had raised 75 weaner pigs to market weight. Of those, he kept 25 females for breeding stock and the rest were sold.

They had been raising around 700 market hogs per year on their farm. There would be anywhere from 250-350 hogs on pasture at any one time.

In order to increase production to meet the growing demand for their free range, happy pigs they are partnering with another local hog producer who is supplying them with all their little pigs. The babies are born year round inside and then when they get to fifty pounds in size, these pigs come to the farm and are put into their free range environment. The pigs continue to be antibiotic free with only plant protein diets throughout their lives. Pastures are seeded with annual grasses to increase grazing time for the pigs: in  the colder months, the pigs get straw and alfalfa hay to keep the forage component in their diets.

The farm also has 200 acres of irrigated land on which crops of barley, wheat, and faba beans are grown to later grind into the necessary pig feed.